Job: Desiring God 2008 Fall Regional Conference

The subject of suffering has seen the attention of some big theologians this year (see D. A. Carson’s seminar on suffering).

Piper tackles this subject with characteristic fervor, compassion, and posture of trembling at God’s Word.  John spends a great deal of time considering Elihu, the youngest of Job’s friends who came to his aid.  Piper considers Elihu a favorable counselor and provides good biblical reasoning for not lumping Elihu in among the other self-righteous friends who misrepresented God. Elihu’s counsel to Job comes close to God’s disclosure, and so Piper allows himself to unpack some of Elihu’s words to Job.

Piper is very down to earth, and handles a very delicate subject with great pastoral concern and theological skill.

Conference on Job >>>

Mark Dever: 4 Sermons on Job

Want to understand the core themes and key lessons of the book of Job?  Mark Dever’s 4 sermons on the book of Job does just that, and he carefully applies these lessons to our lives with great insight. 

Mark also does a masterful job explaining Job’s sin of questioning God’s hand in the face of Job’s own supposed righteousness.  Job’s questioning of God was a form of sin, but Mark pastorally helps us to see when questioning God is sin and when it is not.  Job’s repentence before God is an incredible picture of a man submitting himself and his sense of fairness before a holy God.

Job’s Trials, Job 1-2 >>>

Job’s Questions, Job 3 >>>

Job’s Friends, Job 4-37 >>>

Job’s God, Job 38-42 >>>