Al Mohler: The Pornification of Culture

Al Mohler addresses the growing problem of pornography in today’s culture.  This radio show was touched off by a recent statistic that  revealed 70% of porn website usage takes place during daily work hours.  Porn is a workplace phenomenon.  It is considered protected free speech, and public libraries are being forced to remove their filtering software so that pornography can be freely accessed in a public environment.  Mohler explains that the implications are unbelievable.  Looking also at genetic testing on fetuses to determine proclivities toward disease, we are entering an age where we do not have the moral apparatus to make wise decisions.

The implications reach every Christian home.  Whether you have sons or daughters, they are growing up in a porn culture.  Men are becoming addicted to porn, and women are married to them.  Given the statistics, we are surrounded by men who are addicted.  We cannot ignore this issue.  It’s a reality whether we like it or not, contends Mohler.

The Pornification of Culture >>>

Pornography, Public Culture and the New Administration

In Friday the 13th’s edition of the Albert Mohler Program, Al looks at the subject of pornography in light of the presidential nomination of David Ogden as Deputy Attorney General.  Ogden is a “First Amendment extremist” lawyer who represents the interests of pornography in society.

Pornography is one of the most insidious dimensions of American culture today.  It is a plague that is ruining lives, marriages, and public morals.  It endangers women, children, and the most vulnerable among us.  Putting one who can only be described as an extremist for pornography in such a high position in the Department of Justice — Deputy Attorney General of the United States — sends a clear signal at home and around the world.  If David Ogden is confirmed, the U.S. Senate becomes a party to this disaster.

Mohler asks what kind of signal the nomination of Ogden makes, and should we even care as Christians about this nomination.  Mohler deals more extensively with the subject of pornography in his book Desire and Deceit.

Pornography, Public Culture & the New Administration >>>