B. B. Warfield on Arminians and Evangelicals

Kim Riddlebarger did his doctrinal thesis on B. B. Warfield. In this lecture he discusses many aspects about Warfield’s life that you will find fascinating.  Much of Warfield’s life was engaged in defending the Gospel from the persistent Arminian erosion that is so widespread today.  In his writings he carefully explains how the Arminian gospel is, at it’s heart, a theological contradiction within itself.  He defences are as fresh and timely today as they were over a century ago.

Warfield on Arminians & Evangelicals >>>

Calvin Resources at Monergism

This coming July 10th marks John Calvin’s 500th birthday, and there is a surge of Calvin resources washing ashore.  Very few names and labels carry the stigma and power to polarize people than the name of John Calvin.  People even gauge their degree of agreeement with Calvin’s soteriology numerically: 4 pointers, 4.5 pointers, 5 pointers and even a few 7 pointers (even though there are only 5 points).

The tragedy in all this is that we’ve lost the man for the ‘-ism’ that he’s become.  When I first began to read Calvin (which I did because I didn’t want to be someone with an opinion about something I haven’t engaged with) I was surprised to find Calvin to be very easy to read, very insightful, and amazingly pastoral and gracious.  He was far from what I expected.

If you are unfamiliar with Calvin the man or his theology, Monergism has compiled a large selection of audio resources on John Calvin and this thing we call Calvinism (also known as the doctrines of grace).

Monergism’s audio listings on:

John Calvin the man >>>

Calvinism the theology >>>

The Marrow Controversy with Sinclair Ferguson

After listening to Derek Thomas’ excellent lectures on John Owen, I realized I didn’t know anything about the ‘Marrow Controversy’ and decided to find some lectures to shore up that hole in my church history knowledge.   What I found were 3 messages by none other than Sinclair Ferguson.

The Marrow Controversy took place in 16th century Scotland, and while the controversy itself is somewhat obscure to the average Christian, it’s implications to the gospel are critical.  It faces this question:  “Is it sound or orthodox to teach that we forsake sin in order to our coming to Christ?” What results are answers examing the difference between cheap grace and free grace, and the errors of Legalism and Antinomianism.

This is a very good series, however the audio is not in the best shape.

Sinclair Ferguson on the Marrow Controversy page >>>