The Creedal Imperative

Christ the Center inteviews Carl Trueman about the importance of creeds and confessions, which is the subject of his latest book The Creedal Imperative. This is an immensely helpful book and a real treat to read.

Christ the Center Interview >>>

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Brothers We Are Still Not Professionals: 2013 Desiring God Pastors Conference

The 26th Desiring God Pastor’s Conference took up the theme of the supernatural in pastoral ministry. Speakers included Mark Dever, Kent Hughes, Darrin Patrick, Tope Koleoso and some newer faces including Jason Meyer who is taking over the pastoral position that John Piper is leaving.

John Piper’s biographical sketch looks at a man who you probably have never heard of, George Herbert, an Anglican priest of a small country parish. What Piper focuses on in the life and ministry of George Herbert is his poetry and use of words to glorify God.

2013 Pastor’s Conference >>>

Fools Rush in Where Monkeys Fear to Tread

Christ the Center invited Carl Trueman to discuss his latest book called ‘Fools Rush in Where Monkeys Fear to Tread.’ The book is his latest collection of  Trueman’s excellent essays. Trueman talks about Christian celebritism, authenticity, freedom and authority in the church.  I highly recommend Carl’s book which is a pleasure to read.

Christ the Center Discussion >>>

Get Carl’s book at

MacArthur Q&A on the Church

John MacArthur has recently given two Q&A’s where the questions centered on the church.  The first Q&A deals mostly with John’s history of Grace Community Church, what he faced when he first came and how he approached ministry and how it became the church it is today.

The second Q&A covers John’s theology of the church.  What is the church? What is worship? Why is the church centered around the preaching of the Word of God? What is John’s approach to application? How does John prepare for Sunday?

First Q&A >>>

Second Q&A>>>

Shepherding Your Child’s Heart

Ted Tripp’s teaching on Shepherding Your Child’s Heart has become a classic of child-rearing.

Monergism has posted the audio from a 3-part seminar by the same name taught by Tripp.  The first seminar deals with children from infancy to 5 years of age. The second session looks at ages 6 to 12. The third session deals with teenagers.

Shepherding Your Child’s Heart Seminar >>>

You can order the book at Amazon here >>>