Expositions of Revelation by Eric Alexander

Expositions in plural are what we have for Eric Alexander — 2 expositional series through Revelation.  The first series is 27 messages, 3 of which are taught by Sinclair Ferguson.  The second series consists of 18 messages.

Expositions of Revelation by Alexander >>>

Eric Alexander on 1 & 2 Timothy

Monergism has posted Eric Alexander’s series of expositions on 1 & 2 Timothy.

Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 3:16 that Scripture is literally “breathed out by God.” If that is so (and it is), then our primary concern will be to find out what God is saying to us, and the church’s primary responsibility will be to teach and preach the Bible.

Eric Alexander’s Timothy series >>>

Eric Alexander Basics 2002

Eric Alexander gives two messages followed by a Q& A.

Eric Alexander first looks at Samuel’s ministry recorded in 1 Samuel 12 as his role shifts from Judge to Prophet, and he mediates between God and the people who sinned by demanding a king. Alexander looks at the subject of prayer in Samuel’s life and demonstrates how intercession played one of the most critical roles in his ministry.  This principle is dramatically illustrated by Israel’s battle with Amalek, where Joshua and Aaron hold up Moses arms, and when his arms fall Amalek prevails, but when Moses arms are held high Israel prevails.  As Eric sees it, this is God etching the truth that the battle does not belong to the warriors, but to the intercessors in spiritual warfare.

His second message is a phenomenal look at Psalm 63, and he asks 3 questions:  1.  What is this thirst? 2. Where does it come from? and 3.  How does it satisfy?

“It is a mark of spiritual barrenness in the church when people come to worship to fulfill a duty and to keep a habit rather than to satisfy an appetite.”

The Psalmist looks to his thirst for God as an indicator of the condition of his soul.  Do we see this thirst in the people in our churches, or in our own lives?  We burn with thirst for material things, knowledge, pleasure, status, achievement and all manner of things.  If we truly thirst deeply for God he will truly satisfy.  And the only way we get this thirst is supernaturally.  It is a supernatural thirst.  It is not a natural human thirst.

The Q&A is a marvelous session between Eric Alexander, Derek Prime and Dick Lucas.  This Basics conference is a gem.

Eric Alexander Basics 2002>>>

Eric Alexander: A Life in Ministry

Eric Alexander is interviewed by the chaps at  Christ the Center regarding his long life in ministry.  This is a fascinating interview about the particular challenges that Alexander faced in taking a very Biblically weak congregation and nurturing them to strength.  He talks about his preaching style, and how he managed to preach through the entire New Testament twice in his life.

A Life in Ministry >>>

Scottish Reformation Conference 2009

Sinclair Ferguson and Eric Alexander join together for the Scottish Reformation Conference.  This is a wonderful and glorious trio of messages by two well seasoned preachers.

Eric Alexander tackles the subject of the Glory of Christ.  He begins by suggesting that contemporary evangelicalism  has a weightless understanding of the character of God.  Alexander is heavily influenced in this message by John Owen’s classic ‘The Glory of Christ.’

Sinclair takes 2 Corinthians chapters 3 and 4 for the texts of his two messages, The Glory of the New Covenant and The Glory of Christian Service.  Both messages are very impactful and marvelous.  In ‘The Glory of Christian Service’ Sinclair stresses the need for pastors to build up the flock. We are great at tearing down and criticizing, but we are weak in building up.  He examines the life of Paul and the ministerial convictions of Paul as models for us.

In ‘The Glory of the New Covenant’ Sinclair takes a refreshingly, clarifying look at the relationship of the Old Testament to the New.  He emphasizes that the Old is the incomplete covenant, and requires the New Testament to fully understand the Old.

These are 3 great messages that you will want to take some time to ponder, and perhaps listen to again.

Scottish Reformation Conf sermons >>>