Richard Phillips: The Masculine Mandate

Richard Phillips discusses his excellent new book The Masculine Mandate with the team at Christ the Center. Phillips was motivated to write this book after reading Wild at Heart, the horrid, yet popular book by John Eldredge.  Phillips observes that Eldredge got the primary text for men right, but took a wild interpretation that isn’t at all biblical.

Phillips identifies masculinity as being both working and keeping (nurturing), which emerge from the responsibilities he had in the garden of Eden.  It’s not common to consider man as a nurturer, but that is a major part of what it means to be a man.

Phillips also suggests that many men are consumed with “man idols” that appear to be masculine, but need to be put in their place because they hinder the true responsibilities of men.  He suggests many young men need to be admonished to grow up, put away their video games and begin to behave responsibility, and prepare themselves for marriage.

One of the most insightful comments was that the feminism movement in the church has largely been fueled by the movement of masculine abdication. Men have forgotten what it means to be a man in the church, and in the home, and women have responded with feminism.

This discussion is very invigorating, and at the end you will want to have this book ordered, as I did.

The Masculine Mandate >>>

Raising the Bar: Biblical Manhood Summit

First Baptist Church in Killen, Alabama hosted Paul Washer for a summit to speak to the men.  Washer challenges men not with the challenges the world or the common challenges that most men’s conferences do.  Washer challenges men to do what the plain reading of Scripture says.

Men need to get their jobs and ministries in sync with a true belief in God’s sovereignty.  This means we don’t sacrifice our wives or children on the altar of career or ministry.  To do so is a denial of God’s sovereignty over your life.

Men are called to serve and sacrifice.  Do you care for your wife?  Do you sacrifice for her good?  Do you truly love her without condition?  Are you washing her with the Word.  Washer says, “If you’ve been married for 10 years and your wife is not any more presentable to you than she was in the first year of your marriage, you are to blame.”  Husbands must be ministering the Word of God to their wives and children, not using Scripture to prop you up as a privileged officer.

Washer also suggests that Christian dating organizations are not God’s will, because God’s will is not that you find someone who is compatible.  Very often the wife God has for you is far from compatible.  Because God’s goal for your life is Christ-likeness, not compatibility in marriage.

Paul also looks at men as fathers, and considers how our society is loosing our children because we are more concerned about socializing them with other children their age while we completely neglect having them around us while we are with other adults.  Children need to be around adults.

This is a very challenging and much needed series of 3 addresses to men.  I highly recommend them.

Paul Washer is the founder of Heart Cry Missionary Society.

Raising the Bar Session 1 mp3>>>

Raising the Bar Session 2 mp3 >>>

Raising the Bar Session 3 mp3>>>

Mike Bullmore on Marriage

Andy Naselli, a member of Mike’s church, wrote a brief bio of Mike calling him an ‘exemplary’ husband and father.  Always on the lookout for good marriage material, I searched the archives of CrossWay Community Church and found a number of messages and a conference on the subject of marriage given by Mike.  The conference messages contain some very useful PDF.  Print them out and take notes on them. This is excellent material from a gifted preacher and practitioner of his subject.

2006 Marriage Conference

Session 1:  God’s Instruction for Husbands and Wives mp3

Session One Notes PDF

Session 2: Building Your Relationship mp3

Session 2 Notes PDF

Session 3: Your Speech and Your Marriage Part 1 mp3

Session 3: Your Speech and Your Marriage Part 2 mp3

Session 3 Notes PDF

Other Marriage Messages and Retreats

Marriage According to God mp3

God, the Gospel and Your Marriage mp3

Marriage in God’s World mp3

The Pursuit: Every Man’s Call to Biblical Masculinity

C. J. Mahaney is joined by other Sovereign Grace pastors, including Mark Alderton and Rick Gamache, to examine the subject of Bibilical masculinity.

C. J. takes us into Philippians 4 to examine in a clear and masterful way how both the believer and God have a part in actively working out our sanctification.

In the Pursuit of Genuine Repentance, Craig Cabaniss brings us to face how our repentance is far too often remorse for our circumstances rather than a true lamentation before an offended God.

There are a great many other messages in this series.

The Pursuit (church resource page) >>>

There are a lot of messages in this series.  You have to scroll down until you see a message with the graphic ‘The Pursuit’ next to it.  Unfortunately, these messages are not all collected on one easy to access page.

Piper: Lionhearted & Lamblike: The Christian Husband as Head

Piper has tackled a very important issue for men and women, and that is to call men to step up to the plate and return to true Biblical manhood in their families.  He also gives some very helpful admonition to wives.  I highly recommend these two messages to men and women alike.

Lionhearted & Lamblike: The Christian Husband as Head_Part 1>>>
Lionhearted & Lamblike: The Christian Husband as Head_Part 2>>>