Most Memorable Audio of 2008

best2008Having listened to hundreds of sermons, discussions and interviews this year, I have listed here the 12 mp3’s or mp3 series that still linger in my memory as being particularly impactful.

Gordon Fee’s 3 part series on Reading & Studying the Bible for Life is perhaps the most important series I’ve posted on FBH. Fee nails one of our generation’s most dangerous blind spots in regards to the Christian faith.

Sinclair Ferguson’s 17 part sermon series through James is an incredible journey of powerful expository preaching.

This years Together for the Gospel conference brought forth some very important messages that all Christians should consider. R. C. Sproul’s message The Curse Motif in the Atonement is perhaps one of his most powerful messages that he has ever preached. John Piper’s message looked at how suffering in ministry must be brought into it’s proper context. John MacArthur unpacked the doctrine of total depravity and helpfully redefines it as ‘total inability.’ Al Mohler gave a very thorough critique and analysis of the unrelenting attacks on substitutionary atonement.

William Mackenzie’s parenting conference addresses are particularly important as he strongly holds the standard for how important it is for us to build and nurture true faith in our children.

Derek Thomas’ message series on Ezekiel, Swimming with the Elephants, opens up a door of understanding on this misunderstood, yet very important, prophet.

Rick Holland’s Resolved 2008 message on Heaven and Hell provides a sobering reality check on life.

C. J. Mahaney’s sermon “People God Killed” is important for the soft church as it cuts through greeting card Christianity to bring us to face the Almighty God as one who is not just love, but justice and wrathful against sin.

G. K. Beale’s messages on Revelation will open your eyes to some incredible Old Testament themes that are resolved in Revelation, and will entice you to purchase his commentary on Revelation.

Ligon Duncan’s discussion ‘Patristics for Busy Pastors’ will spark a desire to learn more about the early church fathers, and will give you a solid handle on where to begin your reading.

Sinclair Ferguson is interviewed by C. J. Mahaney for almost 2 full hours, discussing Fergusons conversion, seminary studies, ministry and the current state of the church.

Don Carson takes a masterful look at the key themes of the prophet Jeremiah that provides amazing insight into the new covenant.

Finally, John Piper draws us to reflect on the amazing life and legacy of William Tyndale, and contrasts him with his bitter enemy Erasmus.

15 thoughts on “Most Memorable Audio of 2008

  1. It’s seems IPC has revamped it’s website and possibly eliminated Derek’s series. I’ve contacted IPC about this and will add a comment once I know the status.

  2. IPC confirmed that they have been in the process of rebuilding their website, and not all of the audio has been uploaded. Derek Thomas’ series should be up by the end of January.

  3. Chad, I have not heard of him, however the website looks interesting and I’ve downloaded a few of his sermons to check him out. Thank you for the link.

  4. I have appreciated a number of your biographical sermons on Thank you! 🙂

  5. Hi fella

    Just wanted to let you know that your site has been a great blessing portal for me – I am not a rabid web trawler and you have done the work for me in a really accessible and helpful way. I have found your suggestions nourishing and challenging and of such a consistently high standard. I’m a wee aussie tucked away following Jesus and my walk with our Saviour has been spurred on by your faithfulness and hard work.

    We all have our stories – real lives, struggles, hardships and heartaches – and joys and triumphs – so I especially appreciate that in the light of some struggles in your familyland you have managed to minister to me and the others who find your site so helpful. Press on brother. If you have young kids, I would love to send them something which may be a blessing back at ya. If you contact me I can arrange to pop some goodies in the post to you.

    Thanks and every blessing,


  6. I am interested in several of your audio offerings but have been unable to connect. What does this mean? Have you removed them? One that I would like is Steve Lawson’s Augustine series. How often do you remove resources on the web?
    This is the best website EVER!! Please keep up the good work!
    God bless you!!
    Feb.26, 2012

  7. Arlene, this site only links to the material on websites that belong to other organizations. I don’t manage their content. I did find Lawson’s series at The Gospel Coalition and have updated it on the website.

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